Beltecno brings to you world class water tanks laced with Japanese technology

Water is our basic necessity. Human body is unable to survive without food and water for long. Sometimes there can be lack of these basic necessities. There are a number of reasons that make storing water an important task.

          Natural disaster (flood, earthquake, hurricane, etc.).

          If your local water source becomes polluted or contaminated.

          When you must turn off your water supply (frozen pipes, broken water main, local emergency, etc.).

Many people live their lives assuming that if you pay your bills, water will flow out from the tap each and every time you turn it on. Reality is scarcity of water can hit you hard, all of a sudden.

This is where water tanks come to play an important role. Water tanks have countless uses across various industries. Choosing the right and best water tank in india and tank size will make things easier for you and provide you with the best value for your money.

Beltecno is a leading name in the water tank industry that has carved a niche for itself. Beltecno manufactures a wide range of stainless steel storage tanks. These high quality tanks protect your family's health with advanced Japanese technology that has even been declared as the best product award.

Uses of storage tanks

Let’s see where the water tanks can be used: 

          Rainwater harvesting/Irrigation

Water tanks are designed to store rain and divert it until you need it.

Rainwater harvesting is ideal for irrigation – not only is it free from chemicals and chlorine, it’s also easily accessible. 

          Crop growth

Whether you grow your own crops to earn a living or as a source of food, they need water to grow. Water tanks are available in an assortment of sizes and are ideal for agriculture and horticulture purposes.


Water tanks can be used for emergencies like dust suppression and firefighting. A water tank acts as a backup water supply, hence why it’s used in the event of fires and other emergencies

          Drinking water

Water tanks  are ideal for those who live in isolated locations and do not have access to clean drinking water.  The potable tanks are used to store drinking water and are often found in modern homes.

Each of Beltecno’s commercial hot water tank is designed to be sturdy and strong. They can withstand wear and tear, and also prevent rust and corrosion. No matter which Beltecno water tanks you decide is right for you; you can be rest assured that it is easy to maintain and keep clean.


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